The Dutch Green Building Council uses the BREEAM scheme because of the major role it plays internationally. It is the most important and most widely used sustainability label for buildings in the world. Connection and unity with the rest of the world are basic motivations of the DGBC. It is also a system that is fairly easy to adapt for the Dutch situation, without compromising international relevance. This decision however, did not happen overnight. It was preceded by a comparative analysis of all relevant sustainability labels for application to buildings. The results are available on the website of the DGBC.
The Dutch Green Building Council uses the BREEAM scheme because of the major role it plays internationally. It is the most important and most widely used sustainability label for buildings in the world. Connection and unity with the rest of the world are basic motivations of the DGBC. It is also a system that is fairly easy to adapt for the Dutch situation, without compromising international relevance. This decision however, did not happen overnight. It was preceded by a comparative analysis of all relevant sustainability labels for application to buildings. The results are available on the website of the DGBC.
Certification with BREEAM-NL means that you can demonstrate that your project is actually a sustainable project. Sustainable projects are popular with tenants and users. The parties are willing to pay more to be allowed to use the project. Whether it concerns a new building, an area development or a new data center, sustainability has a value that is recognized.
Research by the WGBC shows that sustainable buildings have higher rental or lease rates. This is partly due to the good indoor environment and lower operating costs. The added value can amount to approximately 20% in ''rental premium''.

Subsidy Opportunities
Did you know that investing in sustainable and healthy business premises also offers subsidy opportunities? As a building owner, with a BREEAM-NL certificate you can achieve a significant tax advantage on the investment. The benefit depends on the BREEAM-NL level at which the building is certified and the year in which you submit the application.
Together with subsidy advisers from Hezelburcht and Van Draeckeburgh, DGBC has drawn up an overview of the three aforementioned, plus five more subsidy options. In it you will see calculation examples and you can read under which conditions you can apply for a subsidy.